June 24, 2021

Categories: Diligence

Clean Windows

I guess washing windows isn’t a job most people like to do. I really don’t mind at all. When you are finished, there is immediate satisfaction. Being able to see outside through sparkling clean windows makes me happy. Why then, did I allow them to get so dirty?

There has been a lot going on. First one thing and then another. Being a “Martha” personality, I’ve made it a priority to spend time with people I love, to put our mission work ahead of tasks. Being able to put aside that “Martha” attitude was a big deal for me. So one day I looked and thought, “What in the world has happened to me?” My windows were filthy.

Now, you could still see through the windows. Most people would have thought they looked perfectly fine. But when I was finally able to take inventory around the house and checked windows, I was mortified.

Window washing day became a priority. I washed and polished. Cleaned the window sills. I stood back and just thought, “This dirt accumulated so slowly, I didn’t really notice until I gave my attention to it.” I was looking through the dirt but I did not see the dirt.

When I finished washing, I stood back to admire how clean the windows were. The windows just sparkled and the winter sunlight seemed happier somehow. Winter didn’t feel so drab. My outlook was brighter…literally.

It seemed Father God was speaking to me. He reminded me of this scripture, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23. Had the dirt accumulated so slowly I no longer saw it? Was that true of my life?

I’m constantly saying we must watch our life and tend it like a garden because weeds come up so quickly or vermin attack and eat everything. But it’s the same with windows. Daily life brings dirt. It slowly accumulates until we are unable to “see”. Little by little our “luster” as Christians fades. Jesus is within us but we’ve become so dull with dirt we lose our “shine”.

It’s good to keep short accounts with Father God. Daily we come to Him and confess our shortcomings or sins. As His children, we can wash in His Word. We can be clean. We can keep our hearts with diligence. Dirt won’t accumulate in our life.

Be clean dear ones. Keep your heart with diligence. Shine for Jesus.

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