Holding the Wind
The wind is fascinating, isn’t it? It can be the gentle breeze rustling fresh green leaves in the spring. The summer will bring thunderstorms and the wind can be fierce and mighty. In the fall, leaves with changing colors are blown from trees and scattered to the ground. Winter can bring blustering storms. Ice and snow fiercely blowing about with such force it stings the skin.
That’s wind. Gentle or fierce, one feels it as it moves.
Although we do feel the wind, we cannot hold it. No matter how one might try, it slips through the fingers and moves on. Trying to grasp the wind is not possible.
We say that we, “Watch the wind”. That isn’t true. We are able to see the effects of wind but not wind itself. Sometimes, we see a “dust devil” those mini-tornadoes that spin up on a blustery day. But what we actually see is dust and debris carried by the dust devil.
Wind, to me, is mysterious. On a daily walk or run, I marvel that although I experience the wind, I can neither see the wind nor hold the wind.
This brings me to our Father God and how marvelous He is.
“The burden of the Word of the Lord concerning Israel. Thus says the Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, AND FORMS THE SPIRIT OF A MAN WITHIN HIM.” Zechariah 12;2 NASB.
The word “forms” is translated from the Hebrew word “yatsa” It means, “to form, to press, squeezing into shape”. And the word “spirit”, is translated from the Hebrew word, “ruwach”. It means, “breath or wind”.
I sat in awe when I read these words. Our Father forms our spirit? I know He created us. I just never considered that the true and living God was able to take our “ruwach” and form or squeeze us into the shape that is uniquely us! He is able to hold the wind? He is able to hold our spirit? He is able to form us, our spirit?
When I consider the impossibility of holding the wind…knowing Father God can and does hold the wind of our spirit…it is more marvelous than I can comprehend.
Time to fall on my face and worship.
Just letting you know that I enjoy these Gwen!
With God all things are possible! How mighty is our God!💗
What a beautiful reading of how God makes man. It is so deep!! Impossible for words!! What a mighty God we serve!!!
What a beautiful reading of how God makes man.
I also love the wind. I guess when God is squeezing us and shaping us into who he wants us to be it is with the storms of life. I really enjoy your writings.