Servant Leader
Who is a Servant Leader?
Jesus is the living example of a servant leader.
This leader:
Puts the needs of others before his own.
Promotes others and not self.
Sees beyond circumstances to the heart of a matter.
Keeps going when he is bone tired.
Spends time in prayer sitting in God’s Presence.
Listens to the voice of God.
Allows God to order his steps.
Follows God’s plan for action and not his own.
Seeks to glorify God and not himself.
Loves the unlovely, the less fortunate, the outcast.
Makes no difference between the “great” and the “small”.
Doesn’t ask anyone to do a task he would not do.
He knows who he is and understands his identity in Christ.
He is humble.
Serves out of love for Jesus and love for others.
Speaks no unkind or unjust words. Speaks the truth in love.
His heart breaks for the lost.
Teaches the truth.
He remains teachable.
Does not defraud another.
He is the first one to meet danger and the last one to leave a battle.
Understands that any victory and all glory belongs to God.
Is willing to suffer for the good of others.
Bears responsibility for the actions of those under his authority.
He prepares and trains those under his authority.
Rejoices in the accomplishments and victories of others.
He is not jealous.
Knows when to speak and when to remain silent.
He is a citizen of the Kingdom of God.
He humbles himself…and washes feet.
When necessary, he lays down his life.
Praise Jesus! That list helps me see where I need work!
Very few leaders today.