Pray Without Ceasing
Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB
When I was a young mother with two toddlers this scripture just knocked me down one day. I could always rejoice, knowing that salvation was mine because of Christ Jesus. I could give thanks because no matter what came along, I was saved by grace, had two precious children, and a dear husband. Not to mention a family that was supportive and a church family that had surrounded us with love and support.
The phrase that “knocked me down”, was, “pray without ceasing”. How in the world did a young mother with two toddlers, a house to care for, and 40 music students per week “pray without ceasing”?
I was distraught at the command. I so wanted to be obedient but was certain it was not possible for me. I could not constantly pray with a baby crying, a vacuum cleaner going, supper in the stove, or a music student needing help.
So, I just simply asked Father God how is it possible to “pray without ceasing”. The answer came one day when my mind was on a completely different topic.
My thoughts were turned to the times Baxter was home. It was not necessary to talk to him non-stop. If I needed to ask him a question or talk to him about something, I could. I always had access to speak because of the relationship we enjoy. Our hearts are joined. When I have a need, I can ask. When I am hurt, I can go to him.
And that was that. It is the same principle with Father God. I have a relationship with Him. He is always with me whether I’m working in the garden or cleaning bathrooms. If I need to talk to Him about a problem, He is there. If I’m wounded, I can run to His arms and He comforts me. I have constant access to Him because of the relationship I have with Him.
So, I don’t have to “talk” all the time to the Father. I can know that because I am always with Him, holding His hand as I walk, I can speak at any moment. I can pray at any moment. This is because our fellowship is constant. I don’t have to constantly talk. He can hear my heart… because our hearts are joined.
So for me, to “pray without ceasing” has been walking in fellowship with the Father knowing I can be confident my heart is joined to His because I belong to Him. And because my heart is joined to His, He can always “hear “ my heart…always praying.
Amen, He is always there!
Oh so wonderful! Thank you!