April 22, 2021

Categories: Courage


Caleb, the mighty man of God who saw the promised land and the giants that possessed it. He saw the giants…he didn’t perceive them as possessing the ability to prevent him from receiving what God had promised.

When Caleb and the other 11 spies went into the land to check out the cities, people, produce, and armies, Caleb saw the same things everyone else did. The same people, the same harvests, the same armies, and cities…how was it that Caleb saw victory and 10 of the others saw defeat? Joshua was the only other man in the group certain of victory. What set them apart?

They believed God. They believed God was who He said He was and would do what He said He would do. They knew what Yahweh was capable of.

Forty-five years later we find the inhabitants of the land have been mostly defeated and Joshua is partitioning out the land. Caleb with his mighty warrior attitude strides right up and asks for the hill country Moses promised to him 45 years earlier. Moses had said that every place Caleb’s foot had walked on would be his. So this day, Caleb asks for what he has been promised.

Now just let me add that giants still live there. Caleb’s 85 and plans to defeat them and possess the hill country promised to him. 85? Why not build down by the Sea of Galilee? Watch the sunset? Kick back. They have possessed the land. Nope, not Caleb.

Caleb wants what God has promised to him. He declares himself to be strong. He can still shoot a bow and wield a sword. He is fit and able to continue. He will take hold of God’s promise to him. Still, after 45 years it doesn’t matter to Caleb that giants live there.

I want that “Caleb” spirit. I don’t want to be fearful and frail in old age. I want the strength to dispossess giants from fortified cities and take the promises of God. I hope to be bold and faithful to the calling of God, to rest in the comfort of His Presence, and find peace in Him. To stay the course till He says I can rest.

As I walk my road today, the question for me has been, “How important is it to me to take hold, to possess what God has promised to me? Am I too lazy or do I lack faith or do I lack the resolve? How important are God’s promises to me?” To you?

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