I have no idea why I am drawn to vines. Flowering vines, climbing fern, Hyacinth bean, porcelain vine, moon vine. I could go on, but I know you are getting the idea.
I love the moon vine. The flowers are white as snow and they are the size of my hand. They open in the afternoons at about 4:00 pm. When you walk outside, their fragrance fills the air. As the sun goes down their “whiteness” almost glows. In the morning they are still open and begin to close as the morning sun hits them.
Then there is porcelain vine. The tiny white flowers in spring are nothing to brag about. However, when fall arrives, the vines are loaded with magenta and porcelain-blue berries. I’m always astounded the vine produces two different colors of berries…on the same vine…at the same time.
But vines have a nasty habit. They take over. I mean in an invasive kind of way. The porcelain vine grows fast. This vine reaches for the nearest tree limb and if unchecked will climb that poor tree to the top. It produces so many berries that the next year you find hundreds if not thousands of new vines coming up. If untended, your yard would become a huge jungle of porcelain vine.
While the moon vine is not as bad, the same qualities hold true. Fast-growing. Lots of new vines the next year. So why do I tolerate vines?
Because they have so much to offer. They have value. Beauty when there is no beauty. Fragrance to remind me to be the fragrance of Christ. Beautiful color just when you need a little color. And they grow up. The flowers and berries are above you. You must look up to see them.
So, aren’t we like vines sometimes? We go where it is not intended for us to go. We attempt great feats for the faith when no one, especially the Father asked us to. We try to do another person’s job. Unchecked. Untended. Like invasive vines.
We have much to offer, just like the vines. We have value. Our Father created us for Himself. He loves us as we are. I constantly remind myself that our God has a plan for us. He designed us to accomplish the work He has for us to do. I don’t need to become “untended” or “unchecked”. I am like those vines. I was created to give fragrance, like the moon vine. Or, I will produce those gorgeous colored berries. And I will grow up.
We can yield to the Gardener as He prunes, fertilizes, and tends. All of us can be a fruitful vine, fulfilling the purpose we have been created for.
Beautiful truths revealed by nature through you!
Truly enjoyed this blog; I think I’m in your yard looking at the vines. We sure are like them need to be trimmed and pruned by our good friends as well as the Master. see you soon, my friend, miss you! And my drives looking at the fields!!
Absolutely wonderful.