Divine GPS
In this age of GPS, we are not looking at maps very often. We aren’t charting our way with those AAA Trip Tiks. These days we just punch in our destination address and listen to the voice direct our turns, stops, and speeds.
I talk regularly about our roads taking us “home”. And that is truly the destination I think we desire. But how do we arrive Home? I mean, we don’t even know the location of our Eternal Home. It is located in Eternity but beyond that, what do we know? How do we get there?
Whenever Baxter and I set out for an unknown destination, we always enter the destination address and depend on technology to get us to our destination. Some time back, we were headed to a family wedding. The wedding was being held at an event facility in rural Stanley County. We were merrily going down the road following the GPS directions. We were instructed to take a left turn. Which we did. It was a one-lane gravel road The further we went the more narrow the road became. We came upon deep mudholes…had to go around and the briers beside the road threatened deep scratches. Baxter finally said he guessed we would end up in pasture…but we didn’t. We came out the other end of the gravel road almost at the destination. What a shortcut! We made such fun of that GPS.
We reminisced about a time in New Mexico the GPS was determined to take us over a 10,000-foot mountain. One of our nephews told the story of a time he was taken to the end of a road and told to proceed on foot!
We rely on these devices to give us clear correct instruction. However, they are not reliable if they are programmed with false information or partial information..
I love John 14:1-13. I know it’s used at funerals a great deal but I think it gives us the way to travel home.
Jesus tells his disciples, “you know where I am going”. Thomas speaks up and declares that they in fact do not know where Jesus is going and they most certainly do not know the way. Our Jesus declares that He is The Way. Jesus is our divine GPS. He will always give us the safest, best path to follow home. He is our Way home.
This faith journey we are on can leave us thinking we are in the dark. But we are not. Jesus is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. As we dwell in Him, we can walk in His light. He is our Divine GPS.
Thank you
I love this, but not as much as I love you! Thank you!
I need his direction constantly; would be terribly lost without our Blessed Savior! No better GPS for our trip to Heaven than Him