Lucy Longlegs and Christmas
A cat appeared at our house. Probably a stray? Belonged to a neighbor? We never knew for sure. She decided to stay. It’s interesting how animals can choose you and you don’t really choose them. She chose us.
She is black and white, a large cat with long legs. We call her Lucy Longlegs. Her personality isn’t the best. Some days she is sweet and loving. Other days she is mean, spitting, and scratching. She doesn’t make friends easily. You never know which “Lucy” is showing up.
Christmas this year, Lucy did something that was interesting. We said she “found” Christmas.
If anyone needed Christmas, she sure did.
We have dear friends that we go on mission trips with. Last year, they gave us a homemade manger. We were excited. So on the front porch it went. I purchased a spotlight and we turned the light on the manger at night. We filled the manger with hay. I purchased a baby doll and we waited for Christmas Eve to put “baby Jesus” in the manger.
But we had not factored Lucy Longlegs into the picture.
After a few nights had passed I headed out the front door to turn off the spotlight. In the manger was Lucy. I called Baxter to come see. It was so sweet. That mean/sweet cat sleeping in the manger.
All through the month of December it continued. Lucy in the manger at night.
I wondered at the sight. Was there a message for me? A lesson to learn? Maybe…
There were lights and wreaths and decorations galore to be found at our house. But Lucy’s instincts took her to the manger. A place to curl up and be warm and safe. To wait with the rest of the world for Jesus, Messiah to come.
Are you drawn to the manger? Am I?
If Lucy could choose the manger, surely I can.
This story never grows old! Love you my friend and Lucy too!
The shelter of the manger for Lucy Longlegs ; has been where I have found mercy, undeserving love and a new strength to welcome the future God has for me. Thank you Jesus!!
Gwen, this is a good reminder of the meaning of Christmas.
I just love yours blog. It always bring me into the picture.
Love this!!!!
Loved this, thanks for sharing .