Our Shepherd
It was a cold, damp Saturday afternoon. Skies were gray. Temperatures made it feel raw outside. Not a day to walk. A good day to stay in. The river outside was muddy from recent heavy rain. Inside the house was warm and quiet. I was spending time in the Word and with the Father.
My dogs were being so good. They were not misbehaving, in fact, one was on my lap. He was content and still while I read. We named the two puppies Malachi and Zechariah. Yes, I know, we call them “The Prophets”. They are a small white Lasa Aphsa/Poodle mix. Their coats are curly and wooly to the touch.
I’m reading about the good shepherd. How our shepherd carries us in His bosom.
“He will tend His flock like a shepherd;
He will gather the lambs in His arms;
He will carry them in His bosom.
And gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11
My mind goes to the picture of the safe secure place found in the arms of the shepherd. My first visual lesson of this was my paternal grandfather. His arms were strong from a lifetime of manual labor…plowing a mule…gathering crops…birthing livestock…all the physical labor required on a farm. To be a very little girl held firmly with great love created for me a picture of the Heavenly Father holding us.
But then I wondered. It was such a comfort to me holding that warm wooly puppy. Could it be possible that the Father received pleasure from holding us? The Word tells us we were created to bring Him glory and live with Him forever. Could it be possible that our stillness in His Presence…allowing Him to hold us…allowing Him to carry us would bring Him glory? Joy?
Psalm 149;4 says, The Lord takes pleasure in His people…”
I had no idea….
Thank you what a wonderful thought/reminder!
Oh How He loves us. Thanks for this post I can just picture it in my mind.
Awesome observation, The Father does take pleasure when we place ourselves in His arms! Lord now I can understand why the evil one makes us busy or unbelievable of being in your arms! Thank you Gwen for making us realize such a great truth!!!
Eloquently written- comforting and a great reminder of how our Father comforts us! Thanks!
I think it is hard for us to believe how much God cares for us. Yet his word tells us it is true. It says he will carry us when we can’t do it alone.
I have enjoyed all your writings only wish there were more.
I love this! Sometimes I just tell my Father God to hold me and let me go to sleep.