October 15, 2020

Categories: Worship

When the Morning Stars Sang Together

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding, Who set its measurements since you know? Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:4-7 NASB

I have subscribed to The Daily Walk or Closer Walk every year since our son was a toddler. The Daily Walk is a reading plan to read the entire Bible in a year. The Closer Walk is a reading plan to read the New Testament in a year. Using these resources, I am better disciplined to read all of scripture and not just my “favorite” passages. As a rule, I have Bible reading at breakfast.

I am always amazed that I can read a passage many times and suddenly one day, words appear in neon. I might have read the chapter all my life and there is something I’ve never seen before. These verses stopped me in my tracks one morning.

I always praise our Father before I pray in the mornings and one thing I say is, “You flung out the Heavens…” So this reference to Creation caught my eye on this particular day.

Father God has allowed all the dissertations to play out in Job and now He speaks. Father God asks Job about Creation. He questions Job’s understanding of how this universe came into being.
In the middle of the questions, Father God says, “when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” (Verse 7) Wait. Singing? Shouting?

On clear nights when one looks into space, all the stars twinkle. The vastness and the deepness of space seem limitless. One feels so very small next to all of it. To think Our God just spoke all of this from nothingness…I can’t take it in.

Personally, I imagine Father God’s thunderous voice saying, “Let there be…”From there the Universe began to form. When scientists talk about the “Big Bang”, I wonder, did our Father’s thunderous voice sound like a huge explosion? An explosion that set time and things as we know them into being?

But the verse that stopped me in my tracks today was, “morning stars singing” and “sons of God shouting for joy”. Was God speaking Creation into being so marvelous, so wondrous that the angels and the stars burst into praise?

The commentaries I looked at suggested that the morning stars could be referring to Mars and Venus…that the sons of God were probably angels. In Job 1:6 we saw the sons of God coming to present themselves before the Lord. Whoever these “sons” and “stars” were, they were singing and rejoicing as the true and living God spoke and created. And it was with JOY.

Just think of it. Suddenly blinding light cuts through the blackness of the void. Were these sons and stars blinded by that light? How about the thunderous sound as stars and planets began their orbits in the vastness of space? It must have been THE LOUDEST DAY, with our Father speaking, stars, and angels singing. They could not contain their JOY. They sang with JOY as our Father God created.

Some days, this is what I do. I walk this dirt road life thinking of my morning devotional. Maybe my imagination is too large, maybe not large enough. But this day, I look at the heavens and marvel that joyous singing erupted as Father God created.

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