Turtles. What comes to mind when you think of them? Non-threatening. Slow. Shell covered. Reptile.
My friend Betty was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought a brave fight. Betty walked through that horrible illness with faith and grace. In the end, Betty went to live with Jesus. The illness prevailed over her body but not her spirit.
While she was ill we started seeing turtles…everywhere. They would be in the road, in the yard, by a fence. Turtles showed up all the time. One even marched up to her front door, dug a hole, and laid her eggs. Laid those eggs right beside the front steps. So Betty decided the Lord must be using so many turtle sightings to speak to her.
Research showed that turtles represented persistence, endurance, longevity, sturdiness, and stability. She even found faithfulness as one of the attributes. Betty decided to define the turtles as a God Gift…something He sends our way as a reminder of HIs love for us. That no matter the outcome, God is faithful. God would give her the ability to endure whatever lay before her. So every time we found a turtle in our daily walk, we reported to one another.
It has been several years since Betty went home. But each time I see turtles, I’m reminded of that tough time. That time when Betty could be comforted by the sight of a simple turtle.
A few weeks ago I was taking the dogs out for their morning walk. I looked outside and saw this dark small lump in the driveway. As we got closer, I saw it was what my Dad called a “cooter”. You probably know it as a snapping turtle. It was the smallest one I had ever seen. I had Baxter come out to see. We both were amazed at how small he was.
Two days later I was on the way home from grocery shopping. I got a call from my daughter-in-love. The oldest grandson had been bush hogging a field and the tractor had gotten a leak in the hydraulic line. The tractor was on fire.
I just “happened” to be where I needed to be in order to turn and head to the field. I prayed the whole way that my grandson would get the fire out, the field would not catch fire, and he would not be harmed. Graciously, my prayers were all answered.
After the adrenalin had settled down inside me, I was thanking God for answered prayers. I was reminded of the turtle sighting two days before. I asked, “Were you letting me know then that You are with us? You are faithful?”
I called my daughter-in-love and told her my thoughts. There was a moment of silence. I thought, “Bless her heart. She thinks I’m nuts.” But that was not it at all. She told of the turtle in their yard the same day I had one in my yard.
I can’t know for sure…I do know for sure I’ve missed Father God many times. Maybe it was a coincidence. If there had not been a history of turtles when Betty was ill…I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. I think for now I’m going to accept the turtle sightings as a gift. Reminders of God’s faithfulness in times past…and in times present.
What have you seen again and again recently? Is it significant? Or not?
God does leave us hints to remind us of His power. My great-granddaughter passed away at the age of three. Every time I see a yellow butterfly I think of Regan and how her life affected so many. Yellow butterflies show me Gods love.
God always talks and comforts us through nature or it’s creatures, yesterday my grandson Neno sent me a picture of a big turtle with an animal carried on it’s shell and he told me he was the turtle and Jilly was who he was carrying on his shell protecting her. How about that?
Good morning. We view Red Cardinals the same way when you sight turtles. Cardinals are a way of our love ones gone before us maybe visiting us. Actually, I saw two when Alex and Melannie were married at Sharon Presbyterian Church almost 5 yrs. ago. One was on Friday evening and the other on Saturday as Jim and I were getting out of our car to get to attend their Wedding.
This week when we were getting ready to visit and provide care for my wonderful Mother. When Jim raised the garage door going to the car he left our back door opened. A Red Cardinal flew into our kitchen. The Cardinal flew to the window sill perched on it and looked around. It took us a few minutes to get him outside. He liked our garage door so he chose to land there. It took Jim about 5 minutes to lead him outside to fly away.
Our Friends in Charlotte some years ago her Daddy died suddenly. For the next week Kathy told me that everyday a Red Cardinal would come and try to come in through their back deck trying to enter their home.
Thank you for taking the time to write these articles. Today I felt the urge to share with you. We hope you all are doing well during these times of uncertainty. God is in control. We love your precious Family. Thank you for always being kind and showing love to our Melannie. Praying, Jim and Phyllis
I love this. So encouraging to me.
Such a sweet message. And simple enough to remember. I will think of you and Betty and of God’s forever presence in our lives. Thank you. 💕
Thank you for sharing this. You and Betty had a special friendship and her love continues to touch others in mysterious ways.