July 9, 2020

Categories: Comfort

A Love Letter

Remember when you first fell in love? There was wonder…excitement…a little uneasiness…a wide range of emotions. Maybe you even wondered why your heart was so determined to give itself away.

Do you still desire to discover all you can about the person you love? What is their favorite food? Favorite color? Their outlook on life? Have they given their life to Christ? Did they have a good family and a happy childhood? And on and on it goes.

And conversations. Didn’t you want to talk and talk and fellowship with this new love? Weren’t there many hours spent talking and being together? Didn’t you find joy in all these times?

Then in my day, there were the letters…the notes. Today, maybe you receive texts or emails but the premise is the same…a written expression of the inward love this person has for you. In college, I went to the mailbox everyday in anticipation of a letter from my future husband. His letters sustained me and gave me hope for the life we were planning together. The letters I sent him meant volumes to him.

For me, the Bible is the Father’s love letter to me…to us. Yes, I know there are wars, disfunctional families, sinners, and failures. However, what God thinks, what God desires in His people, His law, His covenants with men, His expressions of love toward us…and so much more can be found in the Bible. We can “see” His heart.

If we want to learn about Him or learn from Him, we can. Open this Word of His. Read. Study. Jesus promised that Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth. Jesus gives us this promise in John 14:26NASB. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”  Again in John 16:13,NASB “But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will disclose to you what is to come.” We can confidently go to this Word, this love letter and learn about the One we have given our life to. The One who is our Lord and our Savior.

We will find that He is LOVE.

He is TRUTH.
He is GOOD.

The list is endles.

Open this Letter of Love, the Bible. Discover The One Who loves you

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