Value. What gives something or someone value? The importance attached to an object or person? The scarcity of an item? What mankind defines as value? Most assuredly what our God defines as having value is the true measure of worth.
I have a habit of always picking up lost pennies. Heads up or heads down makes no difference to me. Sometimes I find a nickel or a dime or a quarter and once a dollar bill. You don’t find many of those, but it seems there are always lost pennies.
Why would that be? Is a penny of such small value we don’t think it is worth stopping to pick up? My grandparents were born in a time when money was scarce. Times were hard. If a man worked and had a job or a farm, he could provide for his family. Money was difficult to obtain and workdays were long. Pay was small. In any case, any form of currency had value. Nothing was despised.
They taught us that “A penny saved was a penny earned.” That “Pennies made nickels and nickels made dimes and dimes made dollars.” We were to put back for the future or hard times. No amount was too small.
Fast forward to today and pennies don’t seem to matter much. You can find them regularly in most store parking lots. But I can’t leave them there. They have been lost. Maybe the owner didn’t even realize the moment the penny was lost. Even worse, they knew they dropped the penny and just left it. It had little or no value to them…not worth picking up.
Finding pennies as I go along reminds me to listen…to remember who and what my Jesus values. When we observe His finished work on the cross, surely we realize that people are a treasure in His eyes. He stops to pick us all up. He sees value in all of us. He loves us all…whether we are a penny or a dollar in the world’s eyes….we are treasure to Him.
So as I walk I’m going to keep picking up pennies….reminding myself that Jesus picked me up when I was lost. He carried me then and He carries me now. He still picks up the lost…offers forgiveness and eternal life with Him.
Value…Value for all eternity.
Matthew 10:30-31
Wonderful yet again! Yesterday I saw and picked up two pennies. I felt blessed to have seen them and to be able to reach down for them. How precious to remember God reaches out to us and considers us treasures.
I always think of the same thing when I pick them up. I can still remember when you could buy candy with a penny. It was always such a treat. Sam always has said, if you look after your pennies you want have to look after your dollars. I love how God values us all.
Always enjoy reading your thought.
Always love your posts.
Thank you for that reminder! ❤️😘
Thanks for making me think about what is valuable for me!
Where do see value in what God places in our lives? Something to think about
I am so thankful God stooped low to pick me up. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for always providing encouraging words. I pick up pennies too 😊
I remember the story of the rich man always picking up pennies and telling his employee (who was embarrassed and did not understand why he did it) he picked up pennies because it was a reminder to always trust in God and he felt that God left it there for him so he remembers to trust the one who gives, not what is given. So thank you again for reminding me.